Friday, January 30, 2009

representational or intentional?

I do not think that art needs to be representational or intentional to be considered art. What many consider not to be art is art to others. Art can be found everywhere around us. We can find accidental art in nature, at home, at school, and just about everywhere. We can not judge a piece of artwork on whether it represents something or not. Some artwork goes beyond representation. Unintentional art can be as precious and as good as any other piece of art. There are no set rules for creating a piece of art. Art follows no rules or patterns. An artist simply creates. Art can be anything that the artist decides. It can represent something for some and nothing for others. So no, art does not need to be representational or intentional to be considered art at all. Art is what the artist wants everyone else to see. Art is just art.

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