Sunday, December 7, 2008

Postmodernism and Beyond

The postmodern period was interesting because it was a time of great experimentation. As was the case during the modern period the postmodern artists continued to push what was thought of as art. It differed from modernism in the way it strived to be more inclusive. Artists were questioning the art establishments of the time, such as museums and academia, and looking elsewhere for validation. New forms of art such as installations, performance and conceptual art begin to appear.

What I like about this period is the openness and inclusiveness of it. There is no longer quite the need for artists to work in the “accepted” style of the day to be considered “part of the club.” There is also more of a place for fun and humor in art than was the case in the modern period. A sense of whimsy that seemed to be absent in the modern period had returned.

On the other hand, some of it can seem a bit short on depth. Some conceptual art can seem little more than a visual one-liner. But then I guess purhaps there should be a place in the world for a good one-liner. All in all the way in which postmodernism has opened art up is surly a good thing. It was about time that art climbed out of its ivory tower and got some fresh air.

What is the next big thing? While technology has been used in art before, it really does not seem like its full impact has been realized. Perhaps some new art dealing with the amazing capabilities we now have for communication or information retrieval will be the next big thing.

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