Sunday, December 7, 2008

Future of Graphic Design

Where will graphic design be in 10, 15 or even 20 years? Well of course we don’t know, but with the way technology has improved so fast, looks like it will blow our minds. Just a few years ago, we were doing everything with our hands; now graphic design is almost fully done with computers. And every more intricate, we have touch screen computers. Oh how things have changed!

Seeing how things have become touch screen, I believe in the future we will not need to touch the screens to make things happen. We may only need to move our hands or even only think about it and it will happen. If you think of a picture you need, no need to get onto the internet to find it, only think about what you need and it will appear. If you want the picture to be a different color, think about what you want and it will appear. How easy would that be? Our canvas will be 3-D, it will be limitless; whatever we need to design, we will no longer have to draw it or create it in programs on our computers, we will only need to think it up and it will be on that canvas.

Graphic design is already everywhere that we look. But imagine it will be in even more places that they are now, if that is even possible. It will become more of a form of communication than it is today. Graphic design and our ideas will be at our fingertips. Anything will be possible and it will happen so much faster in the future.

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