Saturday, November 22, 2008

Imagery in the World at Large

How do you think the proliferation of imagery in the world at large, has changed the way people think and/or process information?

The rapid or proliferation of images in the world at large, has changed the way people think and/or process information greatly. For starters our world has such a fast paced rhythm to it that people do not have time to really read much of anything at one time. We are programmed to a certain kind of image that possibly resembles something to know what that something is. For example the bathroom door signs. Bathroom signs are little illustrated abstract symbols for a man or a woman in order for a person to know at a glance that he or she is going into the right door to handle their business.

I say “…certain kind of image that possibly resembles something…” because the image does not always resemble the something that it is referring to. For example the trademark for NBC is a colorful peacock symbol. NBC is not a peacock but if a person were to glance at this trademark everyone or anyone who has seen or watched a TV knows that it stands for NBC. This reference is made even when the image or trademark is seen with out color. It is just amazing how a persons mind recalls these images so quickly. Our mind is such a powerful tool. The NBC trademark can be found in our textbook on page 408 if anyone is interested. Along with many other trademarks that are prime examples of the effect the proliferation of imagery has had on the way peoples minds think and/or process information.

There are so many examples that it is hard for me to choose which ones to talk about. People’s minds work at such a fast pace these days in order to keep up with the latest and greatest would be overload for a lot of people who did not grow up in such a fast pace world. Some days it is harder than others to keep up with everything that is going on in the world around us. For designers it can give opportunity with all of our software and gadgets available. And the ideas that can be made real are out of the world.

And for the everyday individual we register things faster which in turn gives people that many more seconds of our day to be with family, friends, and to be more productive. It can be a positive reality if a person lets it. It can also be bad a times when it causes a person to neglect something of importance. Just do not rush threw those special times and always stop to smell and feel things around you, because other wise all is lost.

Misty J Slavens

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