Tuesday, November 11, 2008

joseph albers

This guy liked to paint squares but it was more then just painting geometric shapes these paintings were experiments in color. The prints that we were able to view were looked over by Ablers himself and done through a process called silk screening. A process that involves putting a photo emuslion on the parts of the silk screen that you do not want color, the emuslion brings the fibers together so close nothing can be absorbed through them. Leaving the silk screen portion that has not been treated with the photo emuslion fibers open and able to hold paint. This creates a stencil that can be used over and over again. But beside from all that this being a interesting process described to me by the speaker for Darney's class that I kinda stole for my own benefits. This speaker claims that it is from the books that Albers produced while he taught at Yale that she was able to teach color studies when she taught college in Florida. That it was these books the class was based off of. Bauhaus had him as a teach for a long time up until the time it moved to Berlin and then after when it had to be shut down. Let's discuss the coolness of some of these prints such as the vertical and horzional line drawings that really played tricks with your head. One set was painted on black and the other on red-brown you would have never identified the difference unless it was pointed out to you. If you looked from one to the other the spaces between the lines looked purple. Many of these prints had this effect but this one was my favorite. The square performed a lot of the same weirdness on your mind but they were a little more boring. Some were done in such a way that it seemed like the square radiated, but I think by this point I was looking for things that weren't there or were they. The speaker said we all see color different. I guess I was seeing it differently.

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