Monday, November 17, 2008

Artists in the Modern Era

Artists in the Modern Era

I think the term “master” had much to do with “mastering” a particular technique in art or even a specific subject. The modern era changed what was thought to be important. Subject matter and technique became less important than experimentation with subject matter and materials and looking at things in a new light. The Industrial Revolution is responsible for the start of many of these changes. However there were so many things going on during this time period that played a huge part in the changing art world. Some of these changes include but are not limited to advances in science, technology, and philosophy. Art is often times a reflection of these changes in society. Artists are frequently inspired by the things going on in the world around them. I think that the artists of this new era were tired of following the same old formal rigid styles of painting and wanted to try something new and different. To experiment with the new ideas and roles in the changing world. Maybe they were inspired to think (paint, draw, whatever) outside the box.

Through the years art went through several movements in this modern era including Impressionism, Expressionism, Cubism, Abstract art, and Pop art. Things change and we are always looking for something new, something shocking, and exciting and art is no exception. So of course this new shift in the artists’ role still exists. However I don’t think it is a noticeable. I think so much in that time period changed rather quickly. These days we almost expect it and it is not as much of a change or shock but still definitely present.

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