Tuesday, September 16, 2008

David Hockney's 'theories'

After learning David Hockney's theories about the artists using mirrors to trace their subjects reflection left me with mixed feelings about it. The theory makes sense as a whole. Hockney made points about how there was a sudden change in the artwork of the 14th century artists. The figures in the painting were more anatomically correct as well as clothing and perspective. I particularly liked his point of how everyone was left handed in the paintings and how the subjects looked somewhat unnatural until they mirrored the artwork. But I feel a little sceptical about this theory as well. It seems like the process of being in the dark with only the light of the reflection to trace seems a little bit too tedious. But if an artist wanted those proportions bad enough they would find a way to do it.
I don't think the artists that used this 'technique' are considered cheaters or being untalented frauds. It is the same as using a grid or something similar. The artists used it to get the correct proportions. They still had the talent the paint an almost life like work of art.

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