Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Relationships between Science, Humanism & Art Production in 15th Century

An emphasis on education and on expanding knowledge began to be explored during the end of the 14th century and the beginning of the 15th century. This exploration was known as humanism. The humanists did not limit their education to only writing; but also science, medicine and engineering. Leonardo de Vinci is a perfect example of the “Renaissance man.” He was an expert in many fields including: art, architecture, geology, aerodynamics, hydraulics, botany, and military science.
There is a great relationship between science, humanism and the artistic production. Artists started to study the human body at this time; which is where science is connected to art. Humanists began to paint and sculpt nude people and depicting motion within the artwork. Much of their artwork would also tell a story within it; such as Tribute Money by Masaccio. The dome of the Florence Cathedral, which was design and constructed by Filippo Brunelleschi, is a perfect example of the growth of architecture. By looking at much of the architecture you can see the humanistic characteristics within its design. Perspective was fascinating to many artists at this time; such as Castagno’s Last Supper and Mantegna’s Saint James Led to Martyrdom. All of these aspects of art are related to one another because this is what enabled the artists to explore beyond what they were used to. Humanism broke them away from the church and allowed artists to study the science of human anatomy and paint a nude woman or man. Humanism allowed artists to learn the mathematics of architecture and perspective and illustrate this is their work.
I believe there is this exact relationship in much of our art today. Something like the camera is a great example, because this allows us to capture the realism in each photograph. An artist today is able to depict and produce their emotion, movement, discoveries and style in their own way. There is no right or wrong way of doing things; thanks to the artist in the 15th century breaking those boundaries.

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