Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Advantages and disadvantages of theocratic government

A theocratic government is a government where a god or deity is the supreme ruler. Theocracy is a Greek word that means “the rule of god”. In a theocracy, the government is lead by officials, clergy, or emperors who believe they are divinely guided by a god or deity. In these types of states, religious law is held above any other laws. The leaders of the government can be the leaders of the church, or the leaders of the government are submissive to the leaders of the church.
In regard to the government and church, there are many advantages of having a theocratic state. Control of the citizens would be easier to attain. For example, our book states, in the Byzantine Empire, the emperor asserted the Orthodox Christian doctrine as the only permissible faith among his subjects. Any disbeliever would most likely be persecuted. Education would also be effected. The doctrine chosen would be taught in schools and that would be the only truth known, which would in turn supply the government with future generations to work off of.
These advantages for the government are really disadvantages for the citizens. Freedom would be unrealistic. There would be no freedom of speech or freedom of religion. Exploring education, being opinionated, and individuality would also not be possible. Many theocracies failed, such as Byzantine, due to ruling a large area filled with many different religions, customs, and backgrounds.
There are several good points to a theocracy in regard to the church, government and the citizens. Since both church and state coincide it would be well organized, and funds could be directed in an easier manner as long as the size of the nation doesn’t exceed a certain extent.

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