Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Propaganda is ... the deliberate attempt by some individual or group to form, control, or alter the attitudes of other groups by the use of instruments of communication, with the intention that in any given situation the reaction of those so influenced will be that desired by the propagandist. When looking at this poster there are a few things that might come to your mind and you might think about and how people in America might judge Obama. Obama not being an Iraqi obviously but a “mutt” if you will, he is judged by his color and by his name. However, after 9/11 who wouldn’t be in the right to judge. In the poster it is obvious that they have stolen the theme of Borat.

The propagandist has put Obama in the place of Borat. Witch symbolizing Obama knows nothing of America. They have changed the text under Borat that once said “cultural learning of America for make benefit glorious nation of Kazakhstan” to “ the story of Barrack Hussein Obama, son of a Kenyan Muslim and an Hawaiian atheist intending to run for president of the united states”. Holding in the left hand a flag is being held in both posters, but if looked at closely the Obama poster he is holding a cigarette. The propagandist recovered this idea from another picture of Obama.

All these combined into one well thought out glories political propaganda poster that many applaud.

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